Internet is out at my house so I haven't been able to post these. Here are a few records that everyone should be into. Late pressings, nothing rare. But good records none the less. Get into it.
There are no words to describe this record. I love this band. I just bought tickets to see them here in Houston with Polar Bear Club and Broadway Calls. Record is beautiful. It's like the words on the jacket. The other one I have of this is black with sliver and white dots to resemble stars. Very pretty. Second press... not sure how many there are.

Have Heart- Songs To Scream At The Sun. This is a great record, but I guess I'm just like everyone else, this cover looks like some "Chumbawumba" shit. Don't deny it... it's true. Got this from Hot Topic as well... this one was in good shape. For once. I'm not dogging on HT, just not too fond of how people treat the vinyl.

Muiciple Waste- The Art Of Partying. Bought this from Hot Topic. Sucks because of course the packaging was fucked up, not only because its a picture disk but because these kids simply do not know how to care for vinyl, but I work there, so why not take advantage of 20% off. Can't find the pressing info for this record.

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