So I ordered the first three colors of this Repress (No Idea Records) as soon as they were available. Whatever I did, I didn't do it right. My order never went through. I emailed them several times and then several more times letting them know I wasn't getting a response from them. Finally one day at random I check my spam folder and about 6 emails from No Idea are in there. They have said they never got my order and I need to re order them. So I do. I then notice there is another pressing on white vinyl. The next day an invoice is emailed to me saying they only charged me for one. So first thought "first 3 colors must have sold out and all I get is the white... FUCK!" wich is what happened. I figured that was that. A few days pass and dude running mailorder over there gives me a call on my cell and says they have 5 of each color at the office. He says they were saved specifically for the 5 members of Lifetime to have one of each color. Apparently he gave the dudes a call letting them know about this specific incident and asked if they wanted these records or if he should sell them to me, and as you can see... they were cool and I got them. Not that it's any difference at all... but its still pretty cool that mine were the copies saved for the band themselves. I now have all 4 colors of the repressing and the original on black. Now I just gotta get that red. Here is the pressing info for the no Idea pressing.
Ps: No Idea sells records for $7.00 Fuck everyone else. You can't beat $7.00.
(1st Pressing)
Orange Vinyl: 500
Blue Vinyl: 500
Pink Vinyl: 500
(2nd Pressing)
White Vinyl: 600

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