Dead and Gone records.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Soft Clicks
Death is not glamorous- Soft Clicks. I have been waiting a very long time to receive these records. I did know the pressing info for these when I bought them but now the Dead and Gone website doesn't have it listed anymore. I swear I'm getting worse at keeping up with that info. Each record came with a download card, a poster, and my favorite... the printed sleeve. To me the printed sleeve just shows how much the label cares and how much they put into a record. Not that there is anything wrong with the regular boring white dust sleeves, just... it's not as cool. First record is on a red and clear split. This is the rare one, I wanna say it was/100 something. The second is on Black vinyl and this is the standard press. I do not know the numbers on this color. Both records have the same packaging. I Pre ordered these from dead and gone, I've always been worried to order from over seas like this but with DING I had to take the chance. They're too good.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Obviously this is Dookie. Pink Vinyl, German press. I do not know the number but I'm sure its rather large. Very excited to have this. This record has Ernie on the back, In the small instance that you didn't know, green day was later sued for having him on the back so the cd version is Ernieless, ha.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This time next year part 1
Monday, December 1, 2008
Whenever you're ready.
Here is Fastbreak Whenever You're Ready. This album is amazing. I am actually very suprised that I came across this record. I got this on ebay for really cheap and the first time I looked for it, i won it. Usually finding records is harder than this. I guess noone likes them or something. Well fuck that, this record is good. Revelation Records, Yellow Vinyl out of 226.
So I have all these records at home that I haven't been posting. For some reason 9/10 times I try to upload something to Blogger it doesn't work so I kinda just got tired of trying. I've had these 7s for a minute now and am just getting around to posting them. I fucking love NFG and if you do too then this is for you. This is the 2nd pressing of "Tip Of The Iceburg" on black vinyl. The 2nd press is only on black and out of 2000. Believe it or not, these 7s go for a lot on ebay. I don't have the pre order version (Yellow vinyl with Gorilla Biscuits jacket) and every time I bid on it on ebay it always goes way over 50 bucks.
Record Release copy.
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Won this on ebay. I just saw Crime in Stereo here in Houston a few days ago. They had listed that they were selling 20 copies for the whole tour of this record on green for $20 bucks. They ran out before Houston. The singer told me he had kids offer up to $80! I paid about 27 or something like that. Anyways... I have all three colors now. Green/200, Gold/500, black w gold/ 2300.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Toxic Holocaust- An Overdose Of Death. I recently just got into this band so obviously had to get this on vinyl. This was pretty expensive (about $17.00) but I guess it's still worth it. It's a pretty nice transparent orange record with a printed sleeve (I love these!) and a completely unnesisary oversized poster. All in all... nice record.

Hatebreed- Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire. It seem Victory is releasing all kinds of hardcore records onto vinyl for some reason. They're not advertising them (Atleast I haven't seen any) but these records keep popping up around me. ANYWAYS... I have no idea pressing info on this or if this record was ever on vinyl before. Anyone?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Two new old records...
Again, Richard from Ten Crowns came in with a stack of records, bought two of them. Hes kind of become my unofficial record dealer. Anyways, Iron Age- Constant Struggle. Don't have the time to look up the pressing info for this, but there is a bad ass record release version I'm trying to get my hands on. The next one is Bold- Speak Out. I've had this record on my I-pod for years and never looked into buying the vinyl. I'm glad this came along, I listened to the entire thing as soon as I got home. Very exciting. Two great records.

Huge let down.
My boss Ryan gave me this. Hot Topic was giving this out at a managers meeting they just had. A side has one song called re education (Through labor) from the new album. Very bad song. Sorry Rise Against... its true. I used to love this band, but this blows. B side has a Minor Threat cover that I was very excited about. Rise against do amazing Hardcore covers... but this one not so much. It was recorded live at a show, everything was great but the vocals, not cool dude. This was given to me... pretty cool, cause it says Promotional Only on the back... not sure how rare this is. Or if it even is. :/

Heres a few
Internet is out at my house so I haven't been able to post these. Here are a few records that everyone should be into. Late pressings, nothing rare. But good records none the less. Get into it.
There are no words to describe this record. I love this band. I just bought tickets to see them here in Houston with Polar Bear Club and Broadway Calls. Record is beautiful. It's like the words on the jacket. The other one I have of this is black with sliver and white dots to resemble stars. Very pretty. Second press... not sure how many there are.

Have Heart- Songs To Scream At The Sun. This is a great record, but I guess I'm just like everyone else, this cover looks like some "Chumbawumba" shit. Don't deny it... it's true. Got this from Hot Topic as well... this one was in good shape. For once. I'm not dogging on HT, just not too fond of how people treat the vinyl.

Muiciple Waste- The Art Of Partying. Bought this from Hot Topic. Sucks because of course the packaging was fucked up, not only because its a picture disk but because these kids simply do not know how to care for vinyl, but I work there, so why not take advantage of 20% off. Can't find the pressing info for this record.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Have Heart
Die Young
Just got these from Richard from Ten Crowns. Die Youngs first two 7 inches. Each are out of 500 and the only color of each pressing. Obviously OOP. If you don't know who Die Young are... get into em. They still have some vinyl available. Now that I have these, my Die Young collection is about finished. I don't have test pressings though and I don't have the tour cover for the Loss 7" and the silk screened out of 50 cover for the Invade split 7".

*UPDATE* Turns out there a few more that I don't have! I love records.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Flex Your Head
This is a record that I've had in my collection for a while. I wish I knew more about it. As far as I know this is an original but from the price I paid for it (about 15 bucks at Sound Exchange in Houston) it's probably not. But then again, I've searched everywhere to find out and as far as I know it is (if you know, hit me up). Last night the Crew and I went to see Henry Rollins do a spoken word performance (Wich was amazing) and we met him afterwards. This was my second time seeing and meeting him, if you haven't I highly suggest it. Amazing show. I brought my copy of Flex Your Head for him to sign and I was fortunate enough to make this happen. Check out his tour dates and go see him if you haven't.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Selective Wreckage
Crime in Stereo Selective Wreckage. Not too much to say about this record, except for the fact that I missed out on the rare color, just like the last CIS record.... you can read about that a few posts below. I know if you're reading the date this looks a little more than Obvious that I would have missed the green vinyl but I've had these a while, I'm just now getting around to posting this. I just won the Green copy on ebay so now I have all 3. When I get that, I will post it. Records came with a cd inside for all 3 copies and a nice poster.
Ps: The 2nd gold... is spoken for.
Green Vinyl: 200
Gold Vinyl: 500
Black W/Gold Vinyl: 2300

Thank you No Idea!
So I ordered the first three colors of this Repress (No Idea Records) as soon as they were available. Whatever I did, I didn't do it right. My order never went through. I emailed them several times and then several more times letting them know I wasn't getting a response from them. Finally one day at random I check my spam folder and about 6 emails from No Idea are in there. They have said they never got my order and I need to re order them. So I do. I then notice there is another pressing on white vinyl. The next day an invoice is emailed to me saying they only charged me for one. So first thought "first 3 colors must have sold out and all I get is the white... FUCK!" wich is what happened. I figured that was that. A few days pass and dude running mailorder over there gives me a call on my cell and says they have 5 of each color at the office. He says they were saved specifically for the 5 members of Lifetime to have one of each color. Apparently he gave the dudes a call letting them know about this specific incident and asked if they wanted these records or if he should sell them to me, and as you can see... they were cool and I got them. Not that it's any difference at all... but its still pretty cool that mine were the copies saved for the band themselves. I now have all 4 colors of the repressing and the original on black. Now I just gotta get that red. Here is the pressing info for the no Idea pressing.
Ps: No Idea sells records for $7.00 Fuck everyone else. You can't beat $7.00.
(1st Pressing)
Orange Vinyl: 500
Blue Vinyl: 500
Pink Vinyl: 500
(2nd Pressing)
White Vinyl: 600

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sidewalk Slam 7" !!!!
This is my first release ever with my label This That Records and my own band The Lion Of Wall-Street. We as a band and myself as a label went through sooo much shit to finally get this out so it's pretty amazing to finally have them. We don't have artwork yet (For some reason ha) but we should be picking that up this week at the latest. All six songs on this 7" are on our myspace We have new shirts and this new 7". Life is good. We deserve this... Fuck you if you disagree.
The Lion Of Wall-Street
Sidewalk Slam 7"
Dark Grey (Mixed Color Vinyl) /300
This That Records
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Broadway calls
Nothing too special. Broadway Calls 12" on transparent gold vinyl. This would be amazing if there was some glitter in it or something. It would match the record cover. This is pressed on Gold and Blue. I think the blue is transparent as well... but not sure. If I am correct then the pressing info is something along the lines of :
Gold Vinyl /500
Blue Vinyl /500
Adeline records.
Band is amazing... on tour with Crime in Stereo. Get into it.
Monday, September 22, 2008
I don't know all the pressing info for this release but I just scored this on ebay and will have all of them. Obviously this is not one of the re pressings on "No Idea". This was on Decaydance and as far as I know this was originally pressed on black and also red. I have heard this was out of 850 and then I have also heard this was out of 1000. I heard the red was out of 250. These are things that are unknown to me so don't quote this. No idea just re... re pressed this on White as well as there original pink orange and blue.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
More Alkaline
Two more Alkaline records to add to the collection. I've been debating if I should pick up the 7" you see here for a while now. The main reason is that I hate promotional 7"s (As I like to call them). You know, the records that are so obvious there made for promotion only. They're always so cheap. Paper thin jackets with no sleeves in them and of course they're on black vinyl. So boring. It's usually the major labels doing this. And Fueled by Ramen of course. Why even put out vinyl you know. Also for some odd reason they cover a Tegan and Sara song... yuck! I haven't heard this yet but I hate the original so I probably wont even waste my time. But then again, it is an alkaline release and the A side has "Help me" from Agony and Irony... so in the long run... well worth it. The 12" is (Obviously) "Maybe I'll Catch Fire" on transparent orange vinyl. This is also out on a few different colors. Lets see if get around to them.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Troubled Stateside
Bridge 9 records has just rereleased Crime In Stereos album "The Troubled Stateside" on vinyl for the first time. Originally Cd only on Nitro Records. I pre ordered this only a few days ago. I have to say I'm very impressed. I've never had a problem with Bridge 9 mail order so it's not like I expected any less but this arrived very quickly. They even threw in a nice promotional poster and a few stickers (I love it when labels do this... stickers, sampler cds, posters, whatever.). Official release date: Sept. 16th LP only, on Bridge 9 records. Released on 3 different colors. I only got the white and clear because like they say "The early bird gets the worm". This is the second time this has happened to me recently with these pre orders. I'm terrible at this. I also just lost a Movielife t shirt in Medium on Ebay. I must admit I am pretty upset about this.
White Vinyl out of: 1300
Clear Vinyl out of: 500
Purple Vinyl out of: 200
Alkaline Quatro...?
All four colors of Alkaline Trio's Self titled record. Blue/Brown/Grey/Orange. The website has this listed as brown, but it's actually a light, almost cream color. Really nice looking. Not sure of the exact pressing info on these but they are really nice solid colors, although, minus the orange they all have a really slight swirl going through them. These are really nice records. Also notice the album cover being in the left hand corner compare to the cd version having this dead center. Packaging on all 4 records are the exact same. Asian Man Records.
This is my first piece of Movielife vinyl. I recently decided to get into collecting more pop punk records compared to hardcore. The Movielife are one of my favorite bands ever and they have a pretty decent vinyl set up. Not many but any band with a record this beautiful deserves the vinyl recognition that these guys are getting from me. Why it has taken me so long to start collecting vinyl from the Movielife, I may never know. But I can say it has begun. This is the "Has a Gambling Problem EP" on "Drive-Thru Records" I have a pretty low number so thats a good thing. 149/1000. Hand numbered.
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